Dear Mr. Alex, this is an apology letter for the error in your payroll slip. I know this has caused much inconvenience to you and you will get it corrected by [mention date]. Our accounts team will make every possible effort to circumvent the miscalculation. You all will be issued your pay slip again. I am extremely apologetic for the disruption it created. Thank you for cooperating with us.
I am Edward Seth and writing this message to humbly apologize to you for the mistake in the pay slip. All this was not done intentionally and it is a machine error. I am sorry for the problems you have to face due to this. I have been working on your salary check and soon you will get your salary till [mention date]. This issue has been brought to HR and the accounts manager’s notice and they have ordered to resolve it immediately. Please let me know your concerns in this regard. I am sorry once again for all this.
I am feeling sorry in writing this message to you as you received half of your salary this month. The organization has no idea about it as this case has happened for the first time. All this happened because of some software error and it calculated the wrong pay. You have to go through a lot due to this error. You are therefore requested to submit an application to the HR office and let him know of your issue. Hence the issue will be resolved on an immediate basis. This error will be sorted in three working days and after this, your salary will be credited to your account. Thank you for being patient and cooperating with us.
This message has been penned down after you registered a complaint in the HR office about an error payroll. I am extremely apologetic that you did not receive your full salary. Our accounts team has found out that this has been done unintentionally on their part. Mr. Jacob has been newly appointed accounts officer and he is ashamed that this happened due to him. He will get fully trained with time and I make certain that your issue will be resolved. I am thankful to you that you did not create panic and assisted us a lot in this matter. We will be careful to not let this happen next time.
I am Steward Manic, manager of ABC Organization and I am remorseful that the wrong pay slip was issued to you. There was a bug in the software and many employees faced this issue. Our team is trying hard to fix the issue and soon you will be credited with the remaining amount. You will receive 20 days’ salary as the 10 days’ salary has already been given to you. Any queries regarding this can be asked during office hours. I am thankful to you for understanding us.
Dear Kim, we have received your complaint letter about issuing you the wrong salary check. I am rueful to know all this and can understand the difficulty you faced in managing monthly expenses. You are requested to submit your current month’s salary slip along with your employee ID. Moreover, this is a mechanical erratum and will be solved soon. I will handle this affair and assure you that this will not happen next time.
Please take this letter as an apology for not issuing you a full month’s salary on [mention date]. I know this has left a bad impression but I want you to know that this is a machine error. I am sorry for this error and trying to fix the issue as soon as possible. You are a committed employee and have always stood by us during bad times. I hope you will understand the situation and will continue to work with the same dedication.
Dear Alex, I am apologetic after reviewing your complaint about the mistake in a paycheck. This disruption put you in severe crisis and I make certain that the problem will be fixed soon. I need your last month’s salary slip for office requirements. You are hereby requested to visit me in my office during office hours. Thank you for your collaboration.